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‘Allegory of the Spirit’, oil on canvas, 56″ x 56″

I made a decision a while back that I wasn’t going to post my political views on social media. Most of my friends are on the same page – so there’s no need to preach to the choir. And those who don’t share my politics, some family and friends, mainly from the past, will not be swayed by my posts and in fact may be alienated. So what’s the point? Better to focus on my art and what I consider uplifting words and images.

But there comes a moment when Silence is not the correct response. I am apalled, saddened, embarassed, and disgusted that such blatant racism is still rearing its ugly head in the U.S. That white supremacy has a choke hold on our country. That we have a president who continually encourages racism and applauds violence. This latest incident, the murder of George Floyd, is so despicable it hurts to talk about it. My heart goes out to his family and to the human race.

I was raised in Mississippi and still carry the guilt of my forefathers and mothers. I witnessed racism throughout my childhood from a privileged position and experienced the move from segregation to integration in highschool. After all this country went through in the 60’s, the pain and suffering on both sides, why is there still such rampant inequality and abuse? We are all created equally. I pray for a Martin Luther King, Jr, a ‘Jesus’, a Mother Teresa to deliver us from the mess we’ve found ourselves in. Or maybe its up to us, each one of us, as individuals.

I’ve been looking to some of our great teachers of the day for positive thoughts and hope for the future. These are totally taken out of context and pieced together like a quilt:

From Oprah: Be a Warrior of the Light. Use your gifts to illuminate the darkness in the world. Find a way to serve. Turn your wounds into wisdom.

From Deepak Chopra: With love and action, we can create a new story. What is the vision? Joy, peace, a new humanity. Don’t fight the darkness – Bring on the Light. Live a love-centered life.

From Caroline Myss: We are built for this moment. Every act of goodness counts.
